For some time now, we've been getting a lot of phone calls from people asking the same question: Are you open on Saturdays? Then we hear the sigh of disappointment after we deliver the answer. Well, by now we've heard the message loud and clear - Saturday service is a must in today's hectic, on-the-go world.
So, we're happy to announce that we are now open for business on Saturdays! And we promise that our award-winning service will be just as good on day six.
What can you get done on Saturdays? Well...everything! As usual, you can receive service for tires, brakes, fluid flushes, or any other problem that creeps up on you. If you're in the area and looking for a quick Somerville oil change - stop in for our while-u-wait service - we'll have you back on the road in no time.
We've always wondered: If we build it, will they come? Now we know that you will. And we can't wait to welcome you to Mike's!